Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Whirlwind of a Week

This has definitely been a whirlwind of a week by far! As those of you know who read our last blog, my mom was diagnosed with small cell cancer. Last Thursday she had some complications. I took her in for a lungs functions test and it literally took all of her energy away. She couldn't breathe well at all. Following that appointment was her Radiation doctor(Dr. Kathy Baglan). They were making a molding of her body for her to lay on when she will get her radiation. They noticed how bad she was looking and did a CT on the spot and noticed that her tumor had significantly grown in just ONE week and that she had a lot of fluid around her heart. She immediately went up to see her chemo doctor (Dr. Suzanne Partridge) and she admitted her to the hospital to start chemo right away. They did some more tests including an echo cardiogram chest x-rays, and some CT's to see if the cancer had spread, which it looks like it has not (Thank GOD). The fluid around her heart is a serious issue so they did surgery to start draining the fluid. The cardiac surgeon said there was a ton of fluid and her heart was very close to collapsing if it weren't for the surgery. After surgery she went to the ICU and was on a ventilator because of her wheezing. Sunday afternoon they took her off the vent and she was able to go to the step down room then Monday they moved her back to the oncology floor. She is now off of oxygen and seems to be doing well. They think the chemo has begun shrinking the tumor which is terrific news. She is battling a bad UTI from the catheter and is complaining about not getting any rest due to her room mate's obnoxiously loud visitors. It is really too bad that they can't give you a private room at St. John's. It's a toss up on when she's coming home. They tell her yes then no then yes then no then yes and now it's a no due to her insurance company's denial of a very important medicine. I am not sure what is more expensive for the insurance company, more days in the hospital or a medicine. Hmmm. Thanks to some good friends I had a couple days to spend with my mom over the past couple weeks, while they watched the girls for me. I will continue to keep you all updated.

On another note, we are soon to be trying for a #3 and so I went to get some bloodwork done and it turns out I am ovulating on my own so no need for fertility meds for now. I am ever so relieved about that. Don't get me wrong I love with my twins with all my heart but it would be so nice to know what just one would feel like. brother and I will be going to see Coldplay when they come in July. Yay! If one good thing has come of these trying few weeks is that my brother and I have become a lot closer. I hope that continues. :)