Friday, July 3, 2009

The Month Of June and a third bloom!

Well, I sincerely apologize for my absence on blogger. Things have been busy and I haven't much time to write or post pics. I have learned this month that we will be expecting a third child. YAY! There is only one this time confirmed by an ultra sound. I am just about 8 weeks along and my official due date is February 13, 2010. We are so excited and thrilled. It happened all-natur-elle! I did not have to seek fertility treatments this time which was fabulous! I did do some natural things such as guided imagery and meditation, acupuncture (which was done after the fact but could be credited to helping with implantation). I am so excited that this pregnancy will be different and the labor and delivery will be different. I have found an OB who will deliver via waterbirth with no medication. I plan to have the help with a doula (which I had last time and was very helpful) I have lots of rules of things I wish to do and do not want to be done. I will get into them on later blogs. I plan to labor mostly at home and then go to the hospital later. I am reading lots of good books that are helping me prepare for an unmedicated natural birth and will be attending some kind of bradley method or hypnobirthing/hynobabies classes. We are also planning to do the baby's room in a Dr. Seuss theme. This will be great since Jeff and I are planning on waiting until the birth to find out what we are having. I do have some feeling it's a boy though. We shall see! I am ready for the morning sickness (rather evening sickness) to be gone. It came sooner than with the girls. I am hoping it will be gone in a few weeks. More to come. Enjoy the pics and have a safe and happy 4th of July!
Cousin Isabel and the girls jumping

Aunt Irene and the girls

Cameryn's first hair cut (her bangs)

at the zoo

Fun at the zoo


The Garver Family said...


Kristy said...

adorable pictures! the girls are growing up quite fast!!!! I am SO happy for you all! Congrats on the new little bundle of joy!!! The girls are going to make such wonderful big sisters..I can already picture them mother henning! :)